Module 4: JV Recon

Learn How to Connect with Top Joint Venture / Affiliate Partners in Your Industry

Industry Stature

Learn the proper approach to who and how you should connect with influencers in your niche.

Download Outreach Template

Finding JV's with Email Lists

It's true that the money is in the list, so its important to know exactly who in your industry has an influential subscriber list to help promote your products and programs.

Creating Something Worth Discussing

In order to develop a relationship with top influencers, you NEED to have something worth discussing, making it worth their while.

Facebook Ads Method

Learn this ninja tactic for contacting influencers using a completely new and unique method through the power of Facebook ads.

Custom Promotion Strategy

See how creating private, custom promotions both as an affiliate and vendor can turn into long-term relationships with influencers.

Joint Venture Launch

Start working with influencers as "Partners" and generate crazy revenue, a massive email list and exposure all at the same time.